Saturday, November 10, 2012

Queen St West Gator

I was down on Queen St West in September to catch this alligator/crocodile (not sure which it is) on the  side of a Japanese grocery store and decided that this great tree needed to be included too. I'm not sure of the significance of the reptile but if you look really closely there are 3 little pink angels around it including one riding on its back. Judging by the faded paint this has been here a long time!


  1. It certainly is a fascinating that tree growing on the roof? I've read about the difference between crocs and gators many times but never can remember. I think a croc has a wider mouth and different teeth. Don't get the angels at all. A croc or a gator are not angelic by any stretch of the imagination!

  2. Alligators in Toronto? I sure hope that was never a pet store. :)

  3. The most bizarre pairing I've ever seen.

  4. It is rather odd, but I really like it! Glad you noticed it. :)

  5. What in interesting sign. It does make you wonder what the artist had in mind.

  6. Unusual, bit it caught your eye, so it did what was intended.

  7. An alligator surrounded by angels is much less scary than expected. ;-)

  8. Wouldn't it be interesting to learn the correct interpretation? We probably never will.

  9. I would get close to that one. Wonderful.

  10. You did well to spot that one, especially against the big blue sky!

  11. There's just got to be a story attached to this mural Pat, intriguing!

  12. How very interesting. The puffy work above makes me feel like this was once a children's store of some sort, but what a fun find on your part.
