Friday, November 9, 2012

OCAD At Night

Wednesday evening I was at the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) and went out on the stairs that I showed you here. As you can see the view is special in particular the view of OCAD (Ontario College of Art & Design) which is the building illuminated by the blue lights. You can click on the OCAD label below to see shots taken in the daylight but they are a couple of years old now and I think I will make a point of taking some new ones soon. This spectacular addition to OCAD was designed by English architect Will Alsop and since its completion in 2004 it has become one of the most photographed buildings in Toronto.


  1. I can see why that is the most photographed building - it is stunning and the more so at night! Terrific night shot, Pat!

  2. Arrr, English architecture at its best. he he, sorry for being bias. the building looks lovely.

    Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

  3. It's such and amazing structure and blue light give it a mysterious look. Very nice.

  4. What a beautiful view!
    Have a good weekend RedPat! ;-)

  5. Great shot RedPat, love those lights!

  6. I probably haven't noticed this building, but I will be sure to look harder the next time I'm in that area. Very neat night shot!

  7. Wow!
    I have never seen it lit up like this before. I should hang around at night more often. (though I rarely take night photography... )

  8. That is a wonderful shot. I love the blue!

  9. Bright lights, big city. Great job!

  10. Now, that's a fantastic night shot! Great job.

  11. It's lovely all lit up, but your other pics give a better scope of this fantastic building.

  12. This is outstanding, RedPat. I love it. Like blue Swiss cheese. Or blue punch cards.

  13. Looks fabulous Pat, blue lights at night make such a dynamic image.

  14. I'll have to see the place for myself the next time I'm in Toronto.
