Wednesday, December 26, 2012

After The Frenzy

Boxing Day is the day to recover from all the food and drink of the last few days unless you are a shopper looking for bargains! I tend to need a little peace and quiet so a walk along the lakeshore is perfect. We are supposed to get major snow starting this afternoon which will be our first of the season and if we do I will be out to capture some more typical winter scenes. Hope everyone is well after all the celebrations!


  1. This is a pretty wsterfront scene, different from your usual urban scenes. I like it. And, snow! Get your boots and heavy clothes on and go out and get something memorable!

  2. The waterfront trail is always a good place for relaxing stroll.

  3. What a nice family moment in this beautiful place! ;-)

  4. Looks like a perfect place for a long walk. I'm with you on the shopping, Id rather have a little quiet today.

  5. I looks like a perfect day for a walk on the waterfront. I hope you had a good Christmas.

  6. A walk around the lake looks lovely. The view out our windows is lovely, too, with snow everywhere, and it has warmed up to -23 from yesterday's -31, but when my husband and the dog go on their forced march this afternoon, I think I'll stay inside where it's warm.
    Speaking of which—warmest wishes for the rest of the holiday season and in the new year.

  7. A serene scene. Typically, after a big Christmas dinner, I look forward to taking a walk. This would be a great place to do it!

    I shall look forward to your wintry photos.

  8. Lovely silhouette. You appear to have seen more sun that I have seen lately.

  9. It looks very tranquil along the lakeshore.

    We've had our White Christmas, with plenty of snow in Ottawa.

  10. Such a perfect capture of serenity and the season.

  11. The snow has arrived in Hamilton (though there was none when I left Toronto an hour ago). The water seen from the Skyway was a sight more choppy than from the Gardiner!!

  12. I can almost here the collective sighhhhh...

  13. So peaceful! Glad the frenzy is over. :-) Hope you had a great Christmas.

  14. I love this scene Pat, I wish our Boxing Day had been so peaceful.. Definitely no shopping though..
