Thursday, December 27, 2012

Clear Night

I'm pre-posting this shot that I took a few weeks ago of part of the Toronto skyline with the CN Tower all lit up as usual. It's lights run up and down the sides and change colours constantly too so it is fun to watch. If we got the snow that was forecast, I am out and about taking pics as you view this!


  1. Spectacular night shot. Hope you are getting the snowy pictures you went out for. It is rain rain and more rain here.

  2. Cool!
    Hope it is snowing!!

  3. Well, it doesn't get much better than this! Great work, Pat. Clear and sparkling.

    Be careful out there in the snow. If you should fall into a snowdrift remember to hold the camera up high! ;-))

  4. Hey! Wow! Is that FOREVER in the distance? Smile!

  5. Okay! But, no, we don't need any snow. Been there, done that. However, I love to look at snowy photos, so I shall await eagerly the photographic results of your walk!

  6. Fantastic skyline. There is something about those city lights and night.

  7. Great cityscape, mind you don't slip in the snow!

  8. Love Toronto at night Pat, and I can't tell you how nice it will be to see some snow shots after the mega hot weather we're having here in Perth.

  9. Your snow picture looks like a post card, what a great shot. 10cm is enough to make everything beautiful, but not so much that it cripples day to day life.

    everyday things in photos
