Friday, December 28, 2012

Snow At Last

We finally got some snow here during Wednesday night - about 10cm - and Thursday was perfect for walking about in it so you will be seeing snow pics for the next few days.  This is a shot along the stone wall that surrounds Casa Loma's grounds. There was no wind so the snow was hanging on to all the bumps beautifully!


  1. Beautiful! The wall looks just great with the snow.

  2. Lovely. That wall is just made for some snow to bring out its beautiful curves.

  3. This is just gorgeous! It really is a pretty scene.

  4. Terrific shot!

    Nice to see the city get some snow. Of course, the weather forecasters there were, as usual, talking about it as if it was a monstrosity...

  5. Looks like the wall was made for snow to stick to in a picturesque way.

  6. The walls are even more beautiful in the snow, the way the snow sits on the top of the stones, just gorgeous.

  7. We had a touch of snow last week, and thankfully it rained soon after and was gone. I had enough of it when I grew up in Ontario!

  8. The snow clinging to the stone wall is a very impressive sight. Well done.

  9. Brrrr! But the wall and the snow go well together. Especially if you like stone walls covered with snow. :-)

  10. Ya, we got plenty too and wind. Brrrrrrrrrr

  11. I like the way the snow adds texture to the stone wall. Cool!

  12. Picture postcard perfect Pat..Oh how I wish, you'll see what I mean tomorrow!
    P.s. a cozie is a swimming costume, I've never known people shorten words like Aussies do haha!
