Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Horseshoe Anniversary

The Horseshoe Tavern on Queen St west opened on December 9 1947 meaning that this week it has celebrated its 65th Anniversary! The building started in 1861 as a blacksmith's shop before becoming the Horseshoe Tavern which opened as a eatery-tavern but is now a concert venue with no food. Through the years it has been a country music venue, then punk and now is mostly rock but you can find anything there really. Even the Rolling Stones have played there during one of their tour warm-ups when they were living here for months at a time. Rock on, Horseshoe!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. Gosh that's quite a history Pat, the Rolling Stones even ! I'm having a hard time imagining it as a 'punk' venue!!

  2. That building sure has a fun history!

  3. Cool! I'll have to check it out one of these days. :)

  4. A tavern with a musical history! I imagine that would make some fine stories! Looks intriguing!

  5. Wow so much to see in Toronto. Never ending. Looks like the music scene never gets boring either.=)

  6. Being a Rock mega fan i would love to visit here. Great post.

  7. The Horseshoe deserves to be labelled a legend.

  8. Seems like a very North American style sign.

  9. Goodness the Horseshoe Tavern is even older than the Rolling Stones!

  10. Who would think that such a humble place would have such a luminous lineage? Amazing. It looks rather small for a concert venue but maybe that's the attraction.

  11. Hard to picture the Stones playing here, but history has a way be taking some odd turns. Fine sign and photo. Thanks for your post.

  12. Quite the history! "If walls could talk...!"

  13. It is hard to imagine a building still in use after 15 years. Imagine the stories there are about that building.

  14. For any tavern to last 65 years is an accomplishment. Go on back there and hoist one for me and another for yourself.

  15. There must be a lot of rock & roll history in this place if the walls could talk.

  16. I'm sure I visited this place in the early 90's, looks very familiar. Great place!

  17. Had a beer there, just because it looked cool, I had no idea it had such an amazing history

  18. It is legendary and yet looks so unassuming!!

  19. I have been here and am glad that it is still around. Though a little saddened that it only a concert venue.

  20. Calling by from the signs meme as another participant, interesting story behind this particular sign.

  21. It's been awhile since I've been there; good to know it's still around!

    It's a heck of a place...
