Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Famous Hug Me Tree

This tree stump is located just down the block from yesterday's Horseshoe Tavern and is rather famous around town. The stump was first painted by street artist Elicser in 1999 and it stood there until the summer of 2008 when its rotten roots gave way. The stump was moved to a gallery until 2009 when it was returned to its rightful spot now supported by a large steel plate at the bottom! Elicser refreshes the paint every year or so when needed. It is the prop for many a photo as you can imagine since it is located right in the heart of the Queen West area. I'm not sure if any birds have checked out those wee houses up top!


  1. Wow - how cool. Love that people appreciate it as art enough to keep it around.

  2. I haven't seen this tree, but I have seen Elicser's name and work around the city.

  3. What a lovely idea- great street art too.

  4. Love this! I'd sure take photos there. I've never seen anything like it, either. But I think I see a few bird droppings on the concrete so little birdies have probably spent a night or two in those bird houses! :-)

  5. I second the first commenteer. Lovely!

  6. I've taken photos of this tree also but your is great.

    This is our first winter being spent outside Toronto!!

  7. I love this! What a really great idea!

  8. Taking tree hugging to a whole new level. A great idea though.

  9. Now, this is very entertaining.

  10. What a great and nice idea, very creative! ;-)

  11. Looks very huggable!

  12. Oh I bet they have Pat, birds seem to make their nests in the most unusual places oui!

  13. Very cool! I'm so glad it has been saved.
