Monday, July 8, 2013

B&W Mural

I watched the development of this mural over the last few weeks but somehow never managed to be there when the artist was there and there is no signature yet so I can't tell you who did it. I really like it and this wall had been a favourite target for taggers so it is a great visual improvement for this laneway.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. This is very clever. I love the way it is all connected and though one line.

  2. The artist has a fine design for his/her mural. Nice shot of it.

  3. A very complex looking mural!

  4. I'm not sure I have ever seen a b&w mural before!
    It looks almost like a maze - my eye is drawn to follow the lines and see how far it goes before there is a break.

  5. It's very well done and I think Sharon saw the line. Maybe it's Toronto and the mural is saying that all folks in Toronto are connected...

  6. This is very attractive! I like it very much.

  7. oh, that is SO cool! love the stairways!

  8. I love it, it's creative and original.

  9. This is a very cool mural. They've managed to make something eye dazzling with just two colors. Did they draw it from the ground up or some other way? It's like pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly.Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  10. Cool! Simple, yet intriguing.

  11. I've never seen anything like it, it's great!

  12. I just hope the taggers don't tag over it. The geometric houses are nice and eye-catching.

  13. Very effective and striking mural

  14. It is quite nice. How long do you think it will be before the taggers deface it?

  15. You had my eyes searching to see if it was one connected line Pat :) but I see a few disconnected trees, maybe the artist needed a break :) I like it very much, the geometric b&W is tres eye catching!

  16. I give the artist praise for creating a mural that is truly different from any other one that I have seen.

  17. A wonderful mural. Such a good way to keep the graffiti taggers off the walls.

  18. It's quite elegant really -- and I like this kind of graffiti very much!
