Sunday, July 7, 2013

Golden In The Sun

This beautiful building is the Kadampa Buddhist Temple which is located on a residential street downtown with the result that there always seem to be cars parked in front when I go by but this time there was a bit of a space to catch it. The building was constructed in 1904 as a Christian church but was sold and renovated into the temple in 2006 with the traditional Symbols of a Buddhist temple installed. The Vajras (thunderbolts) on each corner of the roof represent bliss, the 8 symbols on the wall depict aspects of the spiritual path, the deer over the door symbolize realizations of wisdom, and the Dharma wheel over the door symbolizes the continuation of Buddhist teachings in the world. The temple is open most days for various events and classes as well as for meditation.
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click here for more religious buildings.


  1. This is lovely! There is a buddist temple down the street from where I live, but it's much more modern than this one. I love the touch of gold. :)

  2. Wow! This is a beautiful church. The gold work is amazing.

  3. how very cool! thanks for sharing it.

  4. Interesting story. It explains why I have never seen a buddhist temple like this one before.

  5. Some old redundant churches in the UK have been converted into mosques - don't know of any Buddhist temples though.

  6. One does not see very many Buddhist temples in Florida! Thanks for this interesting post - esp. explaining the various symbols. It would be fun to see what the interior looks like sometime... :)

  7. Buddhist temples are pretty rare around here so thanks for showing this one. A rather special building.

  8. I don't know if I have seen a Buddhist temple in this country. Yours is simple and yet captivating. Thanks for showing it.

  9. i love all the gold accents. what gorgeous architecture. ( :

  10. The gold is an interesting touch.

  11. It is fun to see how buildings change use and yet are still part of the community.

  12. The gold colours really dazzle in the sunshine, gorgeous!

  13. How interesting the Buddhists were able to convert it and make it look like their own!

  14. I think it's a beautiful building.

  15. I was thinking the same as JM Pat, it's different from the Buddhist Temples I've seen before. Looks good with the gold always seems such a peaceful religion (is it a religion?)
