Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Seven Lives

This mural/sign is found on the side of Seven Lives, a restaurant in Kensington Market serving "SoCal & Tijuana style seafood and tacos". I haven't tried it yet but the reviews sound great. This wall had been the location of one of the little yellow bird murals so I was shocked to see that it had been painted over but that is to be expected when the tenants of a building change! The artists for this one are "Oasis Skateboard Factory" which in actual fact is an alternative school that is part of the Toronto School Board that works with kids who don't fit into the usual school environment.
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. It's a lovely mural but, based on the taco depicted there I might be a little wary of ordering one.

  2. kind of funky; kind of scary. i like the octopus taco!

  3. That squid taco doesn't look too inviting to eat, but it sure is cute! Love the bright colors -- and love the idea of giving non-traditional kids a fighting chance!

  4. Excellent find. You made me realize that I going to have to start checking out the laneways.

  5. Ah, the tentacle taco, one of my favorites. Wonderful Mexican style mural. Good find.

  6. Love the owl/skull combo, and that taco is too cute to eat.

  7. Their taco doesn't entice me. But the mural looks fresh at least!

  8. I like calamari, so I guess I shouldn't be too frightened about the squid taco, though my first reaction wasn't very positive.

  9. Sad to think of a yellow bird being painted over. But I like the new mural too! Lots of great color.

  10. Lots of bright colors and odd food. That will get someone's attention!
