Sunday, December 22, 2013

Winter Up On The Roof

In summer this roof deck which faces south into the sun is a hot place with a Mediterranean-like microclimate that produces loads of tomatoes and other veggies. Not so much now as you can see from the pic!


  1. Winter and snow seems to be everywhere not only on the roof. ;)

  2. Still lookls comfortable, if slightly chilly!

  3. Nope, I think those plants are taking a break.

  4. The evergreen trees are sleeping under their blanket of snow. Lovely photo.

  5. Quite pretty! I love snow as long as I don't have to drive on it.

  6. Not going to get many tomatoes in that lot at the moment

  7. You've got quite a good deal of snow there!

  8. I love all your snow photos so long as I can view them here in Ocala! :)

    Hard to imagine this place harboring a garden!

  9. This is such a sad photograph. Even though I like a little snow at Christmastime, I like mine with sun.

  10. That is a fair bit of snow. How are you faring with the ice?

  11. Wow, I wish we had that much snow. We had some last night but the sun came our this afternoon and melted it all away.

  12. brrrrr...
    That makes the cold-for-San Francisco 41ºF/5º C seem like a heat wave!

  13. I think it looks lovely like this but then I'm probably the only one who likes the cold!

  14. Wow! That's a lot of snow. Hope you haven't been affected by the outages and are keeping safe and warm!

  15. This snow series is amazing! I'm happy to see it... in your photos! :-) Happy Christmas, RedPat.

  16. Lucky you with snow - although I know that some of Toronto has been without power because of the recent storm. Not good at any time, but especially before Christmas. My daughter is pining for Canada and 'proper' winter. Her summer camp has sent her a Christmas card with a photo of the camp in the snow, and she's so envious.
