Friday, August 28, 2015

Have A Seat

John St is a short street that runs from the park behind the Art Gallery Of Ontario (AGO), crosses Queen St West and then continues down to the Rogers Centre where our baseball team, the Blue Jays, play. The street is lined for most of its length with small restaurants and a move is on to make it a pedestrian only street some day. But for this summer the traffic has been squeezed into 2 narrow lanes and the rest of the road has planters, and tables and chairs, and in some areas these wonderfully painted Muskoka chairs all for relaxing. (Muskoka is a cottage area north of the city.)


  1. They are lovely, I like the painted house most of all! From what I see it's a lovely street and perfect for foot traffic only!

  2. What bright designs on these comfortable chairs!

  3. I like the creative painting of these Muskoka chairs!

  4. Muskoka.. so that's what that style is called, my sister has two in her garden and I'm often tempted to tuck one under my arm as I'm leaving :) mind you they're not as attractively painted as these chairs here.

  5. Beautiful chairs. I love the paint job. I had not heard them called "Muskoka" before. We call them Adirondack chairs down here.

  6. I've always loved Adirondack chairs. They look great and are comfortable. Good shot.

  7. They look comfortable, nice, and quite well placed!

  8. Five 'cheers' for you. Rah, rah, rah, rah rah! Hip, hip, hooray!

  9. Looks to me like they're trying to make it a sitting-only street. :-)

  10. The chairs are lovely being colorful and bright, one of my favorite chair styles.

  11. They do look very comfy... and colourful!

  12. They are wonderful and would fit anywhere.

  13. Love those chairs and they're quite comfy, too. When I first read about "John" street, I thought "Uh oh! Toronto's got the same problem we do." Whew, was I relieved when I read the rest of your commentary! Heh, heh!

  14. Blue Jays are RULING!

    I like the gay yellow chairs
