Sunday, January 17, 2016

A United Church

This is truly a united church since it is made up of the former St George's United Church and the Eglinton United Church who joined together in 1999 to from the Eglinton St George's United Church now located on the site of the former St George's. The main building was constructed in 1924 and the church school wing to the right was built in 1934. I'm not sure when the link section in the middle was added but it provides wonderful spaces for concerts and for event rentals - important things in this age of shrinking congregations, I bet.
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click HERE to see more religious buildings from around the world.


  1. I think the more modern addition works well here.

  2. They had a good architect to plan such a smooth connection between the buildings. There's snow up there!

  3. and architecturally joining the old with the new.

  4. It looks like they united two buildings here too! They did an attractive job of it.

  5. I like also the modern part: it doesn't disturb the look of the older buildings.

  6. I like this living building, Pat. Nice sharing a meme with you today

  7. wow, that is a lot of windows to clean. but i bet it is great for lighting/sunshine. ( :

  8. A stunning building and I love that link with all the glass reflecting the sky!

  9. Definitely a modern link! :)
    Very interesting church. Lovely shot!

  10. Surprisingly enough, I really like the modern and old together, it works well. And I love the cold winter feel to it, it looks inviting!

  11. A kind of interesting asymmetry going on here.

  12. The old and the modern work well together, here.

  13. It's quite a lovely building, and I'm not sure if it's the lighting, (blue is my favorite color) but this image just welcomes you in!

  14. Like the reflections in those modern windows. While there is a bit of a clash in architectural styles here, it does't look too bad. Good to know the space is a good one.

  15. Your church today is a rugged looking one. The bridging section works pretty well in my uneducated judgment. (I have a church today and am thinking about showing Naples churches on Sundays.)

  16. Very nice, looks to have had an a extension to it

  17. You wouldn't think it could possibly work but it really does in this case Pat.. brilliant space for events as you say.

  18. Good building. Here we still snow :((

  19. What a lovely piece of architecture for this church. I am sure those windows make for wonderful reflections. Looks pretty cold.
