Sunday, April 24, 2016

Finish On A Hill

For almost 40 years the Spring Run-Off Race in High Park has marked the unofficial start to the Toronto road racing scene. It takes place the 2nd weekend in April and some years it can be snowy, some years very hot, and others like this year when it is sunny but very cold and windy. High Park is very hilly so it is a tough run and the finish line is at the top of this long steep hill which I have pictured here. All the spectators line up to cheer the runners to the end and all finishers get a medal. Around 4,000 people take part each year with money going for cancer research.


  1. that's awesome. (more power to them!)

  2. Hello, sounds like a great charity event. These races are popular everywhere. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  3. I have a lot of admiration for people who can do this.

  4. It does look cold. Reminds me of the many times I waited in varieties of weather for Lois Anne to cross the finish line. The coldest race that she ran, as I recall, was the Disney Marathon.

  5. Looks a bit chilly for my comfort. Like for my muscles to thaw before I run. :-)

  6. Looks like a fun event to watch!

  7. Sounds like a wonderful event.

  8. Wonderful, but oh it does look cold out there!

  9. Eugene Oregon (our summer home and where we're from) is a famous running city -- they used to have a run the first weekend in April called "Fools Run in the Rain" ... it was appropriately named!

  10. Brilliant Pat, another thing your city and mine have in common, generous with their time and money.

  11. The runners probably loved the cold. Runner friends of mine complain about races conducted when it is hot.
