Thursday, April 21, 2016

Old Neighbours

I spotted these old beauties near the Kensington Market neighbourhood and it is always fun to see how people treat the same style of house. Both of these semis have been restored with one having the bricks cleaned and the other painting the bricks. I think I prefer the cleaned brick facade.
Taking part in Good Fences. Click HERE to see more fences from around the world.


  1. A beautiful part of Toronto to find gems. It still fascinates me that two different styles are attached like that. It is a beautiful place. B

  2. Fascinating buildings, Pat !

  3. I'm with you. I like the cleaned brick better but, I do like that iron work over the door of the other one.

  4. Such a leafy and wonderful town you live in!

  5. Hello, they are both beautiful homes. The red brick is my favorite. Great fence find! Have a happy Thursday!

  6. There's something so gracious and elegant about these kind of brick houses. Neat little picket fence to boot!

  7. I agree with you - the unpainted bricks looks great.

  8. Wonderful work in restoring them. I have always admired the old houses in downtown T.O.

  9. I'm terribly impressed with this photo. Boy, you got everything right; perfectly composed and lighted and the way those buildings reach for the sky holding hands so to speak. Fantastic, Pat!

  10. I like both of them. Semi-indentical twins!!!

  11. Fine looking old duplexes. Yes, I also like the cleaned brick side better, but they both look great in your photo.

  12. Wow, that is a tall house. Nice looking architecture!

  13. I agree with your choice, but they are both pretty!

  14. Both are nice in their own ways.

  15. Beautiful Victorian (row) house(s)!
    And, a really nice photo of the same.
    Have a Happy Weekend, Pat!
    Peace :)

    PS.We lived in one that was 130 years old for a long time.

  16. A lovely photo of a lovely pair of homes. I can't pick one or the other. They are both nicely maintained and bare brick or painted brick is just a choice. I would have to see the insides to make a decision.

  17. Those are cool brick buildings and they have a nice fence to go around them. I like the natural look of the brick the best.

  18. I like the unpainted semi also Pat, but I do like the portico on the painted half :)

  19. Another set of lovely houses, and beautiful neighborhood to stroll about!

  20. Two colors, in a great building!!
