Sunday, July 31, 2016

Garden Wall In Summer

I had shown you the stone wall at Spadina House back in February (HERE) and thought I would give you a hint of how it looks today. Each of the openings in the wall has a flower box full of flowers giving us a totally different visual flavour to enjoy!


  1. Such a super summer idea Pat, are we going to see the whole wall?

  2. Stone walls are the best walls. Stone anything is the best. Got to credit the people running this place for giving back to the community in this way - brightening things up. Now, if they could only do that in the winter!

  3. Oh I love our moment together here. Thanks Pat

  4. What a great idea! You can't go wrong with lots of flowers. Over here you see them hanging everywhere.

  5. Those openings are a perfect place to add a splash of color. The whole thing must look wonderful.

  6. This one looks awesome. I sure would like to see them all.

  7. I like it. Now is precious, Peace !!
    I will be back 😊

  8. I'm stealing a line from Audrey Hepburn with the substitution of flowers instead of "a garden": To plant flowers is to believe in tomorrow.":

  9. Beautiful! This is exactly one of the reasons I just adore the summertime!

  10. Nice. I envy those who can keep their flower boxes full and colorful all summer long. I am away often enough that mine tend to dry out and get spindly.

  11. Hey!! Thanks for the post. I was looking to renovate my garden walls. Your post is really helpful for me.
