Saturday, July 30, 2016


I often go to James Gardens and sit and watch the ducks paddling about in their pond. A couple of weeks ago there were very few ducks in the water - they were all asleep on the grass - and when I looked down into the pond this is what I saw. The pond is only about 2 feet deep and the fish are probably at least a foot long! I have no idea what kind they are.
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. I was going to say catfish but TexWisGirl is right - they're carp.

  2. Nicely captured though the water does seem very shallow for such big fish!

  3. Love the reflection from the water as well as the fish in your photo. I think those are carp, but I'm no expert.

  4. Do people fish in this pond? Those look like they are big and healthy. I wonder where they came from.

  5. They look like they're quite happy in there Pat.. big! You didn't have your fishing rod and net handy 😃😃

  6. I thought catfish at first, too. But carp is probably the right answer. Looking for food, always.

  7. Crystal clear view into the water. Usually in the month June the carp come into the shallow waters to breed.

  8. They are big and look right at home there.

  9. Nice find and share, Pat.
    Nice composition!
    Have a Happy Weekend!
    Peace :)

  10. At the expense of sounding like I'm c-a-r-p-i-n-g, I'd say they're--well, carp. :-)

  11. Hello, they are big Carp! The water is nice and clear to see them too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  12. I didn't see any when I was there a while ago.

  13. Some call them "good eating."

  14. They do look like carp, and a very close look-alike to Bull Head that we have, although they have a whiter bottom! Very cool capture whatever they are!
