Thursday, February 23, 2017

Green Doors

I showed you a building similar to this in January (HERE) and mentioned that there was a row of these buildings of a same scale but each a different design. Well I went back and took pics of them all and will show you a couple today & tomorrow and the others later. This one has a bit of a Tudor style to it which is suitable to this Lawrence Park neighbourhood. More green doors tomorrow.


  1. Hello, I like the tudor style and the green door. Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  2. This is quite the building, I like it.

  3. The differences between this one and the last one you pictured are striking but you can certainly see that the shape and size is the same. I can't wait to see more.

  4. We would call this a semi-detached house (ie 2 houses sharing one wall). Looks very English to me. PS You're 'bad feathers' comment made me smile :).

  5. Left and right are exactly the same. I looked for flaws but couldn't see any.

  6. Lovely symmetry but strange mix of Georgian style windows on the ground floor & Tudor lattice window on the upper floor!

  7. After seeing many of your photos I can conclude that Toronto has a wonderful housing stock. This Tudor style duplex is no exception. It looks like a fine place to live.

  8. Nice house! I love those green doors.

  9. And here I thought red doors were the thing.

  10. The symmetry almost knocks you over.

  11. I remember a song with the lyrics 'wonder what's behind the green door ..... wish they'd let me in, so I could find out what's behind that green door ...."

  12. Beautiful Tudor symmetry! I seem to remember the last one the house with the red doors made me think of post boxes, these doors made me think of Dr. Who's Tardis 😊 although I think the TARDIS was blue!

  13. Very nice building. The green doors look better on this house.
