Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Lest We Forget

This is one of the buses belonging to the Veteran's Centre at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and it is used to transport the vets around town to various events and sights. Most of the vets in the centre are from WWII so the average age is around 93 years old and since many of them use wheelchairs to get around this bus is equipped with special equipment for loading them.
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  1. I love this Pat.. I somehow knew that Canada would treat their veterans with the utmost respect.

  2. Hello, it is great the veterans have this transportation. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  3. What a fantastic service. I don't believe we have anything like it here.

  4. There are similar organizations here, but vets generally don't get the respect and treatment they need. Most of what we hear is just words. Our Congress routinely denies the Veteran's Administration the funds it needs to take care of our veterans. As the Orange Monster would say, "Sad!"

  5. A solidarity bus. Good initiative.

  6. Great to see that vets are being taken care of.

  7. An interesting tribute on that bus.

  8. A very good idea, and fitting decor.

    Here a portion of the city's bus fleet are shorter, and designated para-transpo. It's much easier to move people in wheelchairs or with walkers that way.

  9. The bus looks cheery and respectful.

  10. Too late, I think Trump has already forgotten.

  11. Canada knows how to treat their Vets. Be like Canada!

  12. 'Lest we forget' the phrase must be world wide and says it all. We seek peace now and no more wars.

  13. A great service that is much needed and well deserved.

  14. I like the color combination.

    Frankly My Dear

  15. A good reminder for so many things!

  16. They were so very young when they served our countries. Thanks to them for all they did and to those like this association for caring. I wish we would never have to send men (or boys really) off to fight but obviously that isn't happening.
