Saturday, February 25, 2017

House Finch & Friend

This little House Finch was a first for me as he sat eating along with a sweet Chickadee on one of the feeders at the Vet's Centre at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. House Finchs were introduced to eastern North America in the 1940s around New York City and have now spread with the first ones appearing in Ontario around 1978. They are now quite common here. Cute isn't he?
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. They are both cute! It must be warm in the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. I'm not sure if we have these birds down this way but I'd like that.

  2. Sweet friend. e have them also, cute

  3. He is cute with his blushing face. We have them here too some with red like this and some with yellow.

  4. We have tons of house finches here but I prefer the bright yellow goldfinches. Both use the bird bath right outside my window and it is a joy to watch them.

  5. The finch has spectacular colours.

  6. Hello, the finch is pretty, love his colors. The chickadee has always been a favorite. Great capture. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  7. They are sweet, and I like that feeder, very pretty!

  8. I posted a finch that I think is a purple finch but it could be a house finch. I've got a goldfinch too.

  9. He's very cute Pat, so is his wee eating companion! Together with that very pretty bird feeder you captured a lovely image here.
