Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Roots are famous for their great leather bags & jackets but also for casual clothing which you will find on people all over the country. They have done the clothing for several of our Olympic teams and seem to be real Canadian ambassadors despite the fact that the company was started by 2 American guys who went to summer camp in Ontario and loved the country so much that they came back and are still here many years later.
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Bravo, may they prosper and live long!

  2. Hello, great sign. Kudos to company and their roots. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  3. Very interesting!
    Have a great day!

  4. I have a Roots sweatshirt that I bought at the West Edmonton mall probably 30 years ago and I still wear it. It's one of those things I just can't part with. I had no idea the company was started by two Americans. I think of it as pure Canadian all the way. This post put a huge smile on my face.

  5. I can see why two American guys would like Canada so much they came back to stay.. I think that Canada had better prepare for many more Americans who will prefer it to the US ☺

  6. Great Canadian clothing - my hubby has a Roots sweatshirt from Toronto so it really is worldwide in its appeal!

  7. Never heard of Roots. Well, I watched the TV series but I don't think that counts. Nice to know you got some of our good guys. I'll bet they're really happy they stayed in Canada now. I'd move up there if it wasn't so darn cold. Maybe you're guy could get our guy to sign an executive order to "buy Canadian."

  8. That is what I call a rootin tootin sign.

  9. Sounds like it has a good reputation and quality products. I'll root for it :)

  10. Lovely looking store. If I were in Toronto I might shop there. Could always use another leather jacket.

  11. A succesful concept! We don't know them here though I think it would work well.

  12. There are some of their shops here too.

  13. It always makes me chuckle because "roots" means something different in Australia. lol

  14. Not heard of them, but glad they are successful!

  15. I've never heard of them, but they sound like a good company. I like the sign and those two red chairs out front!

  16. I wonder if they were also the designers of the shoes by that name.

  17. I didn't know that Roots has American . . . ahem! . . . roots.
