Thursday, April 20, 2017

Up & Down

This is a drive-by shot taken from the highway just north of the city showing one of the roller coasters at Canada's Wonderland, a huge amusement park. The park doesn't open until April 30 but it looks like this ride is ready to go. It is called the Behemoth and looks pretty scary to me - the first drop is 230 feet!


  1. Hello, that first drop looks scary. Not for me! My hubby would like it. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. Too scary for me!
    Have a great day!

  3. A funny place for young people.

  4. I think I'll pass on the Behemoth. However, 20 years ago I'd have been up for a spin.

  5. Use to like roller coasters, but they have lost the appeal as I have gotten older. This one makes a great looking pattern.

  6. Had a lot of fun with my kids there when they younger.

  7. It is a Wonderland with fantastic roller coasters! My family would love it!

  8. I haven't been to this place since I was, oh... fifteen, maybe?

  9. A great place for kids. I'll be the guy taking photos :)

  10. The human mind is capable of many things and one of them is the ability to minimize the danger that goes with the terror of riding such a monstrosity. Maybe the majority of folks in the world have a death wish? I dunno, but I ain't gonna ride that thing nohow!

  11. I think I'd rather watch than ride!

  12. Reminds me of a scene from Busch Gardens here in Williamsburg.

  13. So we're not going to get any action shots of you whizzing down there Pat, that's a shame πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ kidding. All your outdoor fun things are about to open up and ours are heading for winter shutdown, so weird living on the other side of the world πŸ˜€

  14. Good shot. But I would not go up to it.They scare me😨

  15. All my children loves these! Me, not so much!
