Sunday, October 22, 2017

Dune Bug

I hadn't seen one of these VW Beetle Dune cars and then saw 2 in one week. Apparently they were inspired by the 1960s Baja Bugs and come with a special suspension and a turbocharged engine. I'd take one in black please!


  1. Hello, it is a cute car. I like the color too. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day!

  2. Don't think I have seen one before. Cool little car.

  3. I would not mind one of those myself

  4. I like it! It must be fun to drive.

  5. Yes, that looks like a fun specialty car. VW has added customized parts and paint to their popular bug.

  6. No don't get it in black Pat, the biggest mistake I made was getting my car in black.. so hard to keep clean. You would look amazing in a sleek grey/ silver version of this little beauty 😊

  7. I don't think I've seen one like this yet. It is so cute. I think I'd like red.

  8. I remember learning to drive a stick shift in my boyfriends VW back in 1968. I'm sure the new model is fancier, but that old model could go anywhere even on rough Baja Mexico roads. - Margy

  9. I don't think I've heard of the model.

  10. I've never heard of this car. Wonder where it got the name "Dune"? It's rather cute but looks like an enlarged beetle, so what's the deal? Is it going to replace the beetle?

  11. Very cool, I love it. I've always like the VW and had a 64 bug back in the 70s. This one is pretty sporty looking.

  12. They are new? I haven't seen one yet.

  13. Wow, gold is not my color, but this is one beautiful vehicle!

  14. Y yo, también conduciría uno igualmente
    Pero, *bicolor y con líneas rojas, blancas y azules; como Herbie

    De cintura para abajo: blanco hueso
    De cintura para arriba: negro
    Así, pero con líneas de competición:

    Salud :)´

  15. A great city! Thanks for sharing! have a great weekend.
