Sunday, November 12, 2017

Race You To The Top

These are the stairs leading from Davenport Rd up to Casa Loma. It is a steep hill and even the double decker tour buses that operate around town won't drive up the hill - you get on and off at the bottom and then walk. I thought the red bush at the half way mark looked beautiful against all the green around it. 100 steps to the top!


  1. It is a pretty scene, but that is a lot of steps!

  2. To climb these stairs one must really want to get to Casa Loma. The colors in your photo are wonderful.

  3. Beautiful scene and the red bush really stands out. That's a lot of stairs but it is good exercise.

  4. What a pretty view looking up there. I guess it was a good thing we had a car the day we visited Casa Loma. I'm not sure I would have had the energy to climb those stairs.

  5. That's a really pretty scene Pat but can we just walk up at a normal pace, my racing up stairs days are over 😀

  6. Everything looks so pretty and colourful.
    Think I'll take the steps slowly ...

    All the best Jan

  7. Quite a way up!

    In regards to your comment in today's post, yes, I heard about R.H. Thomson involved in the project yesterday- he did a column in this weekend's Globe and Mail that I read last night. This isn't a surprise, as he was key to a similar event illuminating the Memorial itself some years back with the names of all Canadians killed in World War One.

  8. What a beautiful shot. I couldn't walk those stairs anymore ... well, it's been a long time since I could have walked such a bunch of steps. I'd love to ride to the top, though. I remember your panoramic shots from up above.
