Saturday, November 11, 2017

Storing For Winter

Our squirrels are very busy at this time of year burying a multitude of things for the winter ahead. This guy was running back and forth with seed pods digging them into the soil all over this lawn. This is of course one of black squirrels which are really Eastern Grey Squirrels with a black coat.
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. I am always astonished to see squirrels with black fur
    Have a great week-end!

  2. ...I rarely see a black squirrel here.

  3. The animals are always so well planned.

  4. Eastern grey squirrels with a black coat? What? Why don't our eastern grey squirrels have a black coat? I sense some discrimination here. I mean Toronto is blessed in so many ways, you should really send us some nice black coated grey squirrels 'cause our grey/brown squirrels are skinny and runty and have ratty little tails. And that's the truth!

  5. Hello, cute capture of Black Squirrel. I have finally seen my first Black Squirrel in North Carolina.

    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  6. Smart squirrel ~ busy squirrel ~ neat post and photo ~

    Happy Weekend,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. He's sweet here, but I'm hoping ours out and about here are storing up and going far away from my house! Yikes, don't want to have more uninvited furry guests inside again!

  8. All of us have to work for it but some still have to "sing for their supper!"

  9. I hope the squirrel remembers where all the goodies are buried. Nice pic, Pat!

  10. He does seem to be in a great hurry!

  11. I've got a gray squirrel featured on my blog. We have black squirrels, only not as many as the grays.

  12. What a sweet one, a busy bee with his food storages.

  13. makes you wonder how do they remember exactly where they left it.

  14. Always love to see the black squirrels here Pat, it's the only time I ever see them. I guess it's a bit like when I show the black swans ☺

  15. They're always busy in the fall. There were several in the trees overlooking the Memorial yesterday- I wonder what they must have thought of the thousands of people.
