Monday, February 12, 2018

Aliens At A Bike Shop

This is another mural that I spotted on the side of a building as I drove by last fall. So of course I turned the corner and parked and then had to wend my way around a fence and into a parking lot to see what it is all about. It is on the side/back of a bicycle shop but seems to have nothing to do with bikes. It is hard to tell what is going on but it looks like some sort of alien invasion. I could find no artist name on it.  
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. A bit 'war of the world's' Pat, it's futuristically fabulous!

  2. Strange, but very interesting!
    Have a great week!

  3. A very busy and futuristic mural. Thanks for taking part.

  4. There is a lot of chaos going on in that mural.

  5. Such imaginative & skilful artistry!

  6. That's wild. I agree with Grace - what she said! Wow!

  7. It certainly is a busy one. I like it!

  8. Very fun mural and it's really funny to me that they don't put their name on it. Maybe they are artists that have a certain style and they like to be known by the art itself? Unnamed?

  9. There's a lot happening in this beauty. Nice capture of this unique mural.

  10. Looks to me rather typical for a bike shop.

  11. Nice mural but after a good look at I can't figure out what it is all about.

  12. I love your photos!
    Lots of ducks, too! The greenhouse with the blue is lovely, too!

  13. a bright busy mural. some murals are very hard to photograph as you can't get far enough away.

  14. It is pretty cool, whatever it is.
