Tuesday, February 13, 2018

In The Laneway

This is not a free-standing building in a laneway but instead it is an addition to a commercial space that opens to Bathurst St at the front. The siding went on just before the real cold hit us in January and I imagine that they will wait until spring to put a railing on that rooftop deck. I love the corrugated metal they have used!


  1. Honestly, Pat, I have mixed emotions...on the one hand I think it's creative and nicely modern, on the other hand I miss the traditional look. I'd probably have to see it in person. It has a clean, functional look and that's a good thing.

  2. It has a very unique look to it. It does make me wonder how the rooms are arranged inside.

  3. Gosh that's what you call using every inch of space Pat ☺ very clever design, as always would love a peek inside!
    P.s. it's true what they say about snakes, cool to the touch, icky! 😀

  4. Interesting that the structure is part of a commercial property. You'd expect it to be infill housing.

  5. I’m not usually a fan of corrugated metal, but I have to agree with you that it looks really cool on this style of building!

  6. This is an odd shaped addition to the building. It likely has something to do with lot size, building codes, and intended use of the space. Makes for an interesting photo.

  7. I bet it will be all modern and interesting inside.

  8. It is an interesting addition
    Hope you are having a good week

  9. It's a bit strange but I do like it. It's different and that's what appeals to me.

  10. Quite an interesting building for them. I wonder if they have another access door or if it's just the garage door?

  11. It could work, but I would like to see it in the context of the nearby buildings.
