Friday, November 9, 2018

Colour At The Park

This is a pic I took a couple of weeks ago before we had days and days of rain which knocked a lot of the leaves off the trees. This year the trees seem to be turning to really intense colours. I'm not sure if it is something to do with the hot & dry summer we had but it has been spectacular.


  1. Hello, the trees and colors are beautiful. Lovely Autumn scene.
    Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. ...mighty nice colors, the winds have brought down most leaves here.

  3. Gotta love those brilliant, saturated colors. It's too bad that it doesn't last very long, especially when Mother Nature turns her forces against the possibility. Still, this is when the phrase, "Live each day to the fullest," makes the most sense.

  4. Wow, the colors are brilliant. This is the one thing about living in the midwest that I miss.

  5. What a beautiful scene to photograph. Our leaves are mostly gone and the few we do have, they are not very colourful.

  6. Beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. They are pretty gorgeous! We have nothing like that here.

  8. That's really beautiful. Too bad they couldn't stick around longer but it's nice that you caught them at the peak.
