Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Pumpkin Eater

A lot of people left their pumpkins out on their porches after Halloween and the squirrels had a grand time chewing on them. This black squirrel was keeping one eye on me but never stopped chewing and you can see where he had already been attacking the eye and mouth of this poor Jack.
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. I am a bit sorrow for the pumpkin. What a way to end.

  2. Haha, that's a smart squirrel. Hope it enjoyed it's pumpkin.

  3. Wow, I have never seen a squirrel eating a pumpkin. Nice shot.

  4. What a resourceful little squirrel. You reminded me of the time my friend David used to have his cabin in the mountains north of here. He put out some pumpkins one year and when he returned to the cabin the following weekend, the wild javelina had totally devoured them. I'm not sure this squirrel can eat that whole thing but, it looks like he's going to try.

  5. It's a dangerous world out there! Not even scary Jack is safe!

  6. I'm pretty sure the name of the felon involved in this case is "Peter." You might pass that on to the cops. Black squirrels get blamed for a lot of things of which they are not guilty. That's my take on this and I'm sticking to it. Now, excuse me, I have to leave for I'm the guest speaker at the Toronto Black Squirrel Convention.

  7. ...squirrels with eat whatever isn't nailed down.

  8. Squirrels do seem to love the taste of those, so they're more than allowed!

    I saw video on Facebook after Hallowe'en of someone else helping themselves to pumpkins on a porch at night- two moose in Alaska.

  9. I knew the pumpkin wasn't looking right, the poor thing is being comsumed. Free food for the smart squirrel and you have him on RPCamera. :)

  10. Some squirrel, eh? They always crack me up, even when they hog all the bird seed. Nice observation and capture!
    Happy We, Pat!

  11. I've seen so many pumpkins end their lives rotting. I guess this qualifies as creative reuse.

  12. Hello, some how I miss this post yesterday. The squirrel must enjoy this pumpkin treat. Great photo. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day!

  13. Looooove your title Pat ☺ It's good to see this wee squirrel stocking up for winter 🎃

  14. We were just speaking about how this time of year with the corn-cobs and pumpkins and other decorations are really food and fun for the birds and squirrels and probably a few other rodents as well!

  15. I put a pumpkin on my front porch two weeks before Halloween and within days the local squirrels had destroyed it,

  16. Hi Pat -- I apologize for using you post above as a "test". I'm having awful linkup problems -- apparently Typepad (the platform where I blog) isn't communicating with Google very well and people are having trouble getting to our website ... (and I can't get there myself when I try to link from my comments on your posts). Also I couldn't even get to Lesley's (Signs Signs) from my post, so I went there from your post for the day. We are trying to work on the issues that are preventing bloggers from getting to our site, but it is not going well. I assume we'll figure it out eventually, Thank you for helping (even if you didn't know you were). I picked your site to experiment because i knew i'd enjoy every post and I did! Thanks!!!
