Sunday, November 11, 2018

Golden Street

We have had a lot of rainy days which means that people haven't been able to rake their leaves and the leaves have stuck to the roadways and sidewalks. When I turned the corner onto this street I was struck by how beautiful it all looked even on a wet day.


  1. The winter trees do make such a mess but what a glorious mess it is. Love this image Pat 🍁

  2. This is a scene you will not see in Florida! As you know, in Ocala we have some trees which feature leaves that change color but not on this kind of scale. You're right, it is a magnificent scene. Wouldn't want to have to rake those leaves up, though!

  3. Hello, the yellow leaves are so pretty. Even the ground looks pretty. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day!

  4. Wow, simply stunning. I would love to take a walk down that street.

  5. The landscape is covered with beautiful yellow leaves. However, if there is a pit under the leaves, it is not noticeable. Have a nice evening ;-)

  6. A beautiful street of golden leaves!

  7. Without a doubt the streets were paved with autumn gold.

  8. It's not too much of a stretch to say Toronto's streets are paved with gold. It sure is pretty.

  9. Doesn't it look lovely …
    I do like this time of year.

    All the best Jan

  10. Every time I catch myself feeling bad about our next approaching winter season I enjoy seeing photos and real life walks in places just like this.

  11. A lovely scene, RedPaT. I sometimes miss being up north when the leaves change colors, but then I remember that the color is accompanied by cold weather, which I am happy to miss.
