Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Lovely Semis

I'm still in the Trinity Bellwoods neighbourhood to show these classy looking semi-detached homes. The black trim looks so good against the bricks and the whole look of an Ontario Gothic Revival cottage is wonderful. And to top it off these homes back onto the park itself!


  1. Ikt definitely is an intriguing location, and I would think that it is a real pleasure to live in this house.

  2. ...they sure packed in tight.

  3. I like that trim very much but a really like all those porches and balconies. What wonderful out-door space.

  4. Hello,
    There are pretty homes. I like the bricks trimmed in black. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  5. That is a beauty of a house. The people who live there are hopefully loving it. Great location to the park too!

  6. I was worried about the term "semi-detached house" until I looked it up. It's what we down here in the Colonies call a "duplex"!

  7. The styling and colors make this one look contemporary. The houses do look close but that's city living, isn't it? Park access is a real benefit.

  8. Love the black trim against the red bricks Pat, that might be because I have black trim against red bricks 😊 My house isn't quite as grand as this though ✨

  9. I really like this design, it has a homey charm to it too!
