Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Ready And Waiting

Our Santa Claus Parade took place a couple of weeks ago and the floats line up along Bloor St near Christie St during the night and the parade begins from there at 12:30 pm. I go down early every year to get up close to the floats and take pics. The floats are not the only things that line up along Bloor St in Koreatown. This pic was taken at around 9 am with the temperature around 0˚C. People come out early to claim a good spot and set up chairs with sleeping bags, blankets, etc and then return later to take their spot and view the parade passing by. There is a strong honour system to not interfere with anyone's space.
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  1. I am such a wimp when it comes to cold weather. I can't even imagine sitting outside to watch. It's silly really because I know we just get used to the colder environment. After all, I spent 2 winters in St. Louis and 2 winters in Chicago and it didn't bother me. Not to mention that I grew up in Illinois and was very used to cold winter temps.

  2. lol Moving the living room out onto the street... awesome.

  3. Hello,

    Oh yes, everyone needs a great spot to sit and enjoy the parade. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  4. Ours was the Saturday after Remembrance Day. My tendency is to follow the parade as it goes along. I did miss Santa this time out.

  5. Now that's what you call keen Pat 😊 I can't imagine doing that at 0 degrees, I really am a whimp 😀

  6. Wow, those seats are reserved for the very serious parade watchers. :)

  7. There are some comfortable, warm looking chairs. Some people planned ahead.

  8. Nice to see that people honor other's place!

  9. That wouldn't happen down here. Somebody would steal the chairs.

  10. I can (sort of) tolerate cold like that but not sitting still as a spectator. It's really nice that people respect an honor system.
