Thursday, December 6, 2018

Prepared To Wait

This is another shot of people positioned to watch the Santa Claus Parade along Bloor St and since the parade was still over 3 hours away they had come prepared. Not only did they bring a small tent but it looks as if that might be a small heater of some kind on the ground by the curb. I hung around the floats for a couple of hours and was really cold by the time I left, partly because I kept removing gloves to take pics!


  1. Hello,

    The tent and a heater would be nice especially for the little children.
    Enjoy your day and have a happy weekend ahead.

  2. ...last Saturday I saw the Christmas parade in Williamsburg, VA in the rain!

  3. Nice street photography. I like that.

  4. That's the problem with taking photos in the cold, you have to remove the gloves. I remember one night when I got so cold, I popped into a restaurant for and early dinner (and to warm up). I ordered a glass of wine and when it arrived, I couldn't get my hands to work to pick up the glass. I had to rub them for a while to get them warm enough to bend.

  5. Good shot!

    We had snow falling during ours, but not really deep cold. That's the kind of cold we'll get over the next three months, and which tends to make photographing at Winterlude a challenge.

  6. Nice street capture of the early birds waiting for the parade.

  7. The thrill of Santa can keep the little munchkins happy and warm.

  8. The view of the parade would be worth the wait I should think Pat. Hope we're going to see some of the floats without having to wait in the freezing cold 😊

  9. Reminds me of our family, but luckily our parades are in July and September, and not so cold!
