Sunday, June 16, 2019

Bata Shoe Museum From The East

This is the last of the posts from the Bata Shoe Museum and I thought I would show it from the east side whereas the pic on Wednesday was from the west. It is one of my favourite new buildings in the city so I thought both views were in order. I'm standing in front of the York Club which I showed you last Sunday to take this pic.


  1. Hello,

    It is a cool looking building. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy week ahead.

  2. It is a nice looking building. I can see why you like it.

  3. I like it, a very attractive building.

  4. It's a very nice building. It's got clean lines without being ordinary.

  5. It's such a different style of architecture Pat, good to see it from all sides.

  6. Can;t remember the last time I visited a shoe museum . . .
