Saturday, June 15, 2019

Glamourous Birds

These birds are actually shoes from Myanmar made in the shape of hintha birds. They are made for young boys for the Shinpyu ceremony and are designed to be disposable in order to reenact Buddha's abandonment of his royal privilege and finery. They were part of an exhibit of "Glittering Footwear From Around The Globe" at the Bata Shoe Museum.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. These are amazing. I hadn't thought about ceremonial shoes being in the exhibit.

  2. Oh no I would never dispose of them Pat, so beautiful. It's so interesting learning of the customs around the world. Speaking about shoes, we have an odd annual event here in Perth, swimmers use a giant thong (flip flop) to swim out around the bouy and back at Cottesloe beach. I really need to take some pics of that ☺

  3. Hello,

    Wow, these are cool and decorated shoes. Pretty birds. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend.

  4. Amazing looking shoes. Glad they wound up in the museum.

  5. How ornate and beautiful! It makes you so glad that things are preserved in museums!

  6. Wow. Those are beautiful -- and what interesting ceremonial garb. This museum is offering very unexpected pieces. I'm enjoying the tour.

  7. After seeing the history of the Yanxi palace I am not surprised anymore about what people can make.

  8. Beautiful!
    Have a great day!

  9. very pretty, lots of very colorful details!!

  10. Quite interesting and colorful, very nice.
