Saturday, August 31, 2019

Young Robin

There was a lot of chirping going on on a nearby garage a few weeks ago and the source of it all was this young Robin. His colours are still quite muted and he seemed to be calling for mum to come and feed him. As I looked closer there were 5 other young Robins poking about on the lawn below the garage. Mum sure had a big family to look after!  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Isn't he lovely Pat, it certainly sounds as if Mrs Robin has a hungry family to feed, hopefully dad pulls his weight ☺

  2. Hello,

    Wonderful shot of the Robin! Mom sounds busy! Thanks for sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  3. What a pretty little bird. Growing up, I used to see robins all the time. Here in the desert, I don't see many at all. However, recently I've seen one hanging around where I live. I haven't been able to catch a photo of him yet but, I'm sure happy to see him.

  4. Great photo of the Robin!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. I love seeing a little family of birds! How pretty this young one is!

  6. Such a delightful fellow! Thank you

  7. Great shot. That robin will have to learn to look after himself. About time for Mom to move on.

  8. A lovely wee one, great shot!

  9. We've seen some truly insufferable youngsters this year. I felt sorry for the poor parents.
