Sunday, September 1, 2019

September Theme: Red

The September theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is 'Red', obviously a favourite colour of mine. My pic for the theme features one of the red sightseeing buses that you see all over downtown. I have found these touring buses to be a great way to get an overview of a city when travelling and it looks like a lot of people agreed with me on this day.  
Taking part in the theme Red. Click HERE to see more red from around the world.


  1. While we did not use the big red bus in Toronto, much preferring trams, they really are a great way for tourists to get an overview of a city,

  2. They're usually a great way of seeing a new city.

  3. I've taken buses like this in New York and London but never did it in Toronto. It's a good way to get the feel of the city. Good choice for the theme.

  4. Red bus and people in red, too. Good choice for today's theme.

  5. A beautiful red bus, a wonderful selection, Pat.

  6. Good choice. It's a common sight in the downtown core.

  7. Not only a bright red bus, but many people wearing red shirts. Always thought the National Geographic gave away free red shirts they showed up so often in their pictures.

  8. You can't get any redder than that!

  9. Nice and colorful! Yes, those buses are a fun way to sight see.

  10. I agree Pat, especially on a lovely day. I remember Aimee and I on top of the tourist bus in London, it was so blooming cold our teeth were chattering 😁 Perfect shot for the theme 🔴

  11. Great! We have enjoyed those red buses several cities. Perfect for your theme, although you could have used your avatar picture and that too would have been perfect!

  12. We've done these bus tours in Victoria and enjoyed it thoroughly!
