Saturday, October 19, 2019

A 'Herd' Of Sparrows

Last Saturday I showed a pic of a squirrel doing its fall foraging and this week if you look closely among the vegetation in the pic you can see a flock of House Sparrows in their autumn activity. They seem to gather in groups and peck about for seeds until a person walks by and then they all scramble for cover. These guys all flew up into a nearby bush just after I took this pic.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. LOL, that is a herd. I do not see these sparrows in my yard. Cute photo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  2. They are also flocking to my bird feeder... lots of them.

  3. It's a busy time of year for mother nature's little creatures.

  4. My wife says sparrows always travel in a flock like these.

  5. You make me hear their wings as they flutter up to the bush, P!

  6. These sparrows do blend into the ground cover. Think I counted eight of them, but not sure I have not missed some. Food fall picture.

  7. Is that the annual fall seed festival they are attending? :)
    Nice capture, Pat.

  8. I'm used to that kind of behaviour out of them too.

  9. How neat to see so many! A herd....I love it!

  10. I am always impressed with the instincts and survival skills of these birds!

  11. You caught a lot of them! I don't think I've seen so many flocked together though I've seen more groups of them lately.

  12. I have heard of such herd, but only now do I see it in a photo :)
    Happy Sunday, Pat!!

  13. They're taking back the earth. :-)

  14. Maybe they are all together for a Thanksgiving feast!
    Have a wonderful day!

  15. Winter is a tough time for creatures in the wild, they're so sweet, hope they find enough food out there ✨
    P.s. hope you get to have brunch outside on the deck today Pat 😉

  16. It is so different from spring, when they nest. I love seeing the flocks.

  17. Despite our reported and tragic loss of so many birds due to climate change, I think, and hope, that sparrows will always survive because they are so adaptable!

  18. Awe, I'm a fan of little sparrows and at my favorite ice cream shop while outside they're so fun to watch grabbing little bites of lost food!
