Sunday, October 20, 2019


I spotted this wonderful tree that had turned such a beautiful shade of yellow that I felt I needed to take its pic. It is located just down the hill from Casa Loma so there are a lot of tourists going by. While I was taking my pic two people went by and were looking to see what I was shooting and then they decided to take a shot too. Then two more people came along, saw us all taking pics and then they started to photograph it too. I then left!


  1. You started a photography trend. That is a beautiful tree, well worth a few photos.

  2. I hope you told the other photographers about your blog. [0]

  3. A lovely tree. I wonder if the tourists will remember where they took the photo or why. :)

  4. I've lost count of how many times I've seen the copy cat phenomenon or been part of it. I once stopped by the side of a road in the middle of nowhere in Death Valley to take a photo of one tiny flowering plant. By the time I got back into the car we were surrounded by other cars that stopped, all of them trying to figure out what they were missing.

  5. Yellow and blue. How wonderful.

  6. Hello,

    The colors and tree are beautiful. Everyone wants a photo, capturing the beauty! Enjoy your day, have a happy new week!

  7. You are a trend-setter! Lovely blue and gold.

  8. Maybe memorializing an accordion player that used to frequent that spot?

  9. Your initial shot actually taught some other bystanders how "to see!"

  10. Oh you made me laugh Pat, you certainly started something there.. wonder if the trend continues after you left 😊

  11. Well one can't pass up a pretty tree photo!

  12. Les gustó y te imitaron.
    Un abrazo.
