Saturday, December 7, 2019

A Winter Flock

This is just part of the large flock of Mallard Ducks who spend their winter in the small pond in James Gardens in the Etobicoke neighbourhood. There is always a patch of open water here even during the coldest part of winter due to a small stream that runs into the pond and despite all of the signs asking people not to feed the wildlife many come by and toss them bread every day. In the past I have seen some Wood Ducks with them in the summer but never during winter.   
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. I think that there is some inner compulsion for people to feed ducks - and bread is not even good for them - but everyone grabs the end of the loaf on the way out - and if grandchildren are visiting the urge to go and feed the ducks quadruples!

  2.'s a bit too cold for a swim.

  3. Happy Little Ducks BoB Ross Would Say


  4. There must be a good source of food there. They look very content.

  5. They sure are beautiful and nice to see in the winter months! I know a few of them fly South though! We have a few more right now. Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Good photo. The Wood Ducks are too smart to spend the winter here. I am surprised the Mallard Ducks do. There is a flock of Canada geese who spend the winter in Sioux Falls, so aquatic birds will stay around if there is water and food.

  7. Hello,

    The mallard ducks seem to be very hardy, I guess the open water will keep them there too. Pretty scene and photo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  8. Happy ducks enjoying a day at the pond, priceless!

  9. I imagine there's plenty of under water vegetation for them.

  10. That's so bad, giving them bread. It's like candy when they need protein. Cracked corn is good!
    I haven't been to Etobicoke in ages.

  11. These ducks are always nice to see …

    All the best Jan

  12. Nice view! People want to feed wildlife no matter how wrong the diet they provide or how wrong it is to get them dependent on handouts.

  13. What a very lovely composition Pat. Love the sound of your chilly weather walks 💙

  14. Love seeing the ducks and the pretty little bridge!

  15. Naturaleca y vida unidas.
    Un abrazo.
