Sunday, December 8, 2019

Waiting For Spring

On a cold but sunny Sunday 2 weeks ago I took this pic of two of the baseball diamonds at Christie Pits Park. The diamond on the left is used by our Toronto Maple Leafs baseball team which plays in the Intercounty Baseball league. There are also other facilities like a rink, swimming pool, basketball court, soccer field, playground and just relaxing areas too. You can see the CN Tower photo-bombing on the right. The hills all around the perimeter of the park will be busy with toboggans until spring.


  1. Keep on taking photos like this an people will begin to believe that there are no winters in Canada. Rain predicted for Monday and Tuesday.

  2. Beautiful picture. Spring is still many months away ;-(

  3. The grounds look beautifully well kept. Oh how I love those crisp, chilly days.. enjoy Pat ✨

  4. I don't think I have ever been to Christie Pits. Funny, before I retired I used to have to go into Toronto two to three times a week. Now I avoid it like the plague.

  5. It looks so perfectly beautiful. It's hard to believe that it's actually cold outside.

  6. Great capture, as your title goes I'm ready weather-wise for spring but gee I've hardly got anything ready for our Christmas, just finished decorating our tree yesterday!

  7. No white stuff to cover the field, it won't be long before it arrives if it already didn't. Nice pic, Pat.

  8. A baseball game is something I've never experienced.

  9. I agree with Andy's comment. I was surprised to see so much bright green.

  10. And a chilly wait it's going to be up there. :-)
