Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Theme Day: Photo Of The Year

The January theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is "Photo Of The Year" and I chose this one of a Monarch butterfly for a few reasons. One, is that it is such a drab time of year and the bright colours of the Monarch and the flowers are so cheerful. Also, I saw a record number of these guys this summer and fall and I also watched the development of the caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly for the first time this year. They are such lovely delicate creatures and to think of them heading off on their long journey to Mexico is astounding!
Taking part in the theme, Photo Of The Year. Click HERE to see more great photos from around the world.


  1. that a sight for sore eyes!

  2. Oh, yes! Beautiful!
    Happy New Year!

  3. Pat you just brighten up my day. Thank you.

  4. We were truly on the same page with our favorite shots today!! Happy New Year.

  5. Yes! That is a great photo of the year. Happy New Year.

  6. Hello,

    Beautiful butterfly and photo. It is perfect for your theme, photo of the year. I wish you all the best in 2020, a happy & healthy New Year!

  7. It must be so hard to pick just one!
    Happy new year!

  8. That's a real beauty. The colors are truly glorious to see at this time of year.

  9. great photo. Have a great year 2020.
