Thursday, January 2, 2020

Victorian Gem on Queen W

This streetscape on Queen St W has been here since 1888 and is called the Noble Block after the widow Mrs Noble who had it built. All forms of decoration were used to make this a special place. The section to the left was built by another widow who changed the design from the original which was to match the rest. This is still a vibrant area of the city but high rents and property taxes are putting small independent businesses at risk.


  1. ...the Noble Black sure is noble looking!

  2. Beautiful buildings. It's a shame about the rents and taxes, because this is just the type of shopping area that gives a city character.

  3. Always good to see vibrant neighborhoods with historically interesting architecture. Hope the high real estate costs do not threaten too many businesses. I agree with Sharon.

  4. I had never heard of the Noble Block before. I looked it up and realized I have been there many times. :-)

  5. I didn't know this.
    It is a shame how many of these small businesses are being forced out. We don't need any more condos!

  6. Hello,

    Beautiful row of buildings. I wish you a great day and a happy weekend ahead.

  7. I love those big arched windows. What beautiful buildings.

  8. The days when owners still cared about the appearance of their buildings.

  9. Beautiful houses! The love to detail. Here, now, horrible blocks rise up. And why ever, even with grey stones.
    Nice to see this!

  10. Attractive frontages. I've learned to 'look up' beyond the plastic shops signs to see the architecture above. I hope they find a way to preserve these lovely buildings.

  11. I love these old blocks....hopefully they never change.
