Thursday, December 31, 2020

For The Bees & Butterflies

 This is one of the locations for a Butterflyway garden. Many of them in the city have an old canoe placed in the centre of a garden plot and the whole area including inside the canoe is planted with native flowering plants. This one is located outside of Harbord Collegiate and looks like it has been there since 2018. I have been spotting gardens along boulevards and along laneways as more and more people join in the movement to help these creatures.


  1. The whole concept makes me happy! What a wonderful initiative. Have a Happy New Year!

  2. How good to plant for the bees and butterflies. Our state produces a huge amount of honey, so we like bees a great deal, and they are under environmental threat from pollution and pesticides.

  3. You've given me a new challenge, to search out these butterflyways!

  4. Hello,

    What a neat idea using the canoe for the butterfly garden. It looks beautiful. I wish you and your family a very happy and healthy New Year!

  5. That will look so cheerful in a few months.

  6. It's beautiful and I ove the idea of using a canoe. Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year, Pat.

  7. Lots of growing space there. All the best in 2021 Pat.

  8. A great idea!
    Happy New Year!

  9. What a great and wonderful besides beneficial garden!
