Friday, January 1, 2021

January Theme: Photo Of Ther Year

 The January theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is photo of the year which could be a favourite or what you feel is best. I like this catch of the squirrel eating the pumpkin so much that I couldn't pass up the chance to show it again.

Taking part in the January theme. Click HERE to see more Photos Of The Year.


  1. How do you pick just one??!!
    This is adorable.

  2. Looks like the little guy is saying Grace.

  3. good catch ... happy new year and happy theme day

  4. That is a great shot! That squirrel has found a snack bigger than he is.

  5. I would not be surprised if it lifted the lid to reach down inside!
    Happy New Year!

  6. Hello,

    The pumpkin is a nice meal for the squirrels, cute photo!
    I wish you all the best in 2021, a happy and healthy New Year!

  7. The squirrel found the pumpkin that keeps on giving. I wonder if the squirrel knows he made the photo of the year. Free seeds for an award, maybe? :)

  8. I love any photo with a squirrel in it. I'd rather keep them in photos than in my garden. Great shot.

  9. Good selection with that happy squirrel and jack-o-lantern. I like the colors.

  10. There is one of your black squirrels again, RedPat!

    Wishing you a wonderful 2021.

  11. That is one great expression on that sweet pumpkin!

  12. The squirrel located the pumpkin that maintains on giving. I marvel if the squirrel is aware of he made the picturegraph of the year. Free seeds for an award, maybe? :)

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