Sunday, May 23, 2021

More Pop-ups

 I went back to the shop on Bloor St W in Koreatown to see if there were anymore pop-up cards in their window. I love the one with the penguin parents and their baby but the tree in the other one is lovely too. It is so fascinating to try and figure out how they fold up flat.


  1. Hello,

    The penguins pop up is really cute, I like the tree too.
    Happy Sunday, wishing you a great new week!

  2. I remember having pop-up books when I was a child and being fascinated by them - and I still don't really understand how they do it!

  3. Those are simply amazing. Once they are unfolded, how on earth would you fold them back?

  4. They are both beautiful. It would be nice to learn the process to create those cards.

  5. I love these kinds of cards - they are amazing!

  6. This is a wonderful photo opportunity, glad you're supporting a struggling shop too 🥰

  7. Both fab Pat. They are so beautifully crafted so as to fold perfectly. So clever 💜

  8. I totally enjoy this craft and buy them when I can!
