Monday, May 24, 2021


This old building on St Clair Ave was looking rather rundown and uncared for until a local architect bought it and did a total renovation to house her firm as well as some tenants. I like all of the different shapes of windows but what really attracted me was the shadows painted by each window. I love that the shadows go in different directions. I hope this qualifies as a mural. Now the building looks like a treasure on its corner.

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. This is pretty amazing. At first I couldn't tell if those were even real windows or if they were painted too. Nicely done!

  2. At first I thought I don't see anything and then I realized what I was looking at, it's great!

  3. Oh that is excellent Pat, the windows look three dimensional. So nice to see something a bit different from the norm 💜

  4. Hello,

    The windows and paint job are great, it looks like a great renovation!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. Looks great and modern. Love what the architect did to the windows.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Pat.

  6. An ingenious way to add interest to an otherwise rather functional building. Who would have thought that such a transformation could be achieved with just a pot of grey paint and some imagination.

  7. The added shadows are a great addition. The buiding definitely got a nice update and looks fantastic.

  8. Trompe de l'oeil - an optical illusion!

  9. It looks very smart and I like the 3D paint effect around the windows.

  10. Had to look carefully at this building, and yes, I think it qualifies as a mural. Interesting shadow lines. Good to have old buildings refurbished. These buildings help keep the neighborhood alive and vital.

  11. That restoration is really neat, including the paint job!

  12. Well executed renovation. For this building the sun wil always shine lookink at those shadows.

  13. It’s genius what a great idea! Incredible artwork.

  14. This is truly different!
    In a positive way, of course!
