Tuesday, May 4, 2021

White Magnolia and Steel Flowers

I was going by James Gardens and stopped for a quick walkabout while trying to stay socially distanced from  people. There were a few couples taking pics of themselves under this sweet little white Magnolia tree so I waited my turn. There are a few of these steel flower sculptures scattered about the gardens so even in the depths of winter there are flowers to see.


  1. That tree is pretty spectacular. I can understand why people were taking lots of photos.

  2. Hello,

    The white magnolia tree is pretty. I like the metal flowers too.
    Have a great day!

  3. Awesome, beautiful to see. I love those metal flowers, what a nice touch.

  4. I "almost" crashed a similar photo session yesterday. It was tempting--a candid shot of a photography session. :-)

  5. That magnolia tree is looking gorgeous!

  6. Lovely garden. Good to see the sculptures as well as the new plants.

  7. Love the tree. I wonder if the steel flowers are designed to rust into different colors.

  8. The white magnolia tree is stunning Pat, a really pretty photo opportunity spot 💙
