Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The End Of A Ghost Sign

Clearing a site for another condo means the end of this ghost sign which I had posted back in 2012 (HERE). I almost feel sadder about the sign going away than the old building which has been a landmark on this corner. 

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. What a shame, at least you have a great photo of it.

  2. That is a shame for so many reasons.

  3. That is sad. I like the look of the old building much better. It's too bad they didn't think it was worthy to save. I guess when development wants to expand, money talks. Nice that you captured the ghost sign and the building before this. People will forget about it and probably already have.

  4. Change happens whether we like it or not. Sad to see the old buildings and their signs disappear. Never heard of Buckingham Cigarettes. I'm glad cigarettes are now mostly gone. They killed millions of people.

  5. ...gentrification has its downside! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Very sad indeed, the building was beautiful!

  7. Sad about the landmark and ghost sign. Changes can be good and bad.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  8. That is a loss but change is always occurring. It lives in your heart

  9. I hope they are all getting photographed.
