Saturday, August 13, 2022

Looking For Trouble

They may be cute but squirrels can get into a lot of trouble in the garden. I have given up trying to grow strawberries and cucumbers as the squirrels don't wait for them to ripen before nibbling a bit and I never got to have any. Tomatoes work because there are so many to go around that there are always some left for me. Our black squirrels are actually Eastern Grey Squirrels with black fur.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. As a non-gardener, I merely appreciate their antics.

  2. The squirrels are cute trouble makers. I am glad they leave you some tomatoes. We only see the Gray squirrels here.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  3. ...I had never seen a black squirrel until I visited Ottawa.

  4. Good morning!
    Lots of grey squirrels here, but since I don't travel anymore, your photos are as close as I'll ever be to a black one.
    Have a blessed day!

  5. They look so cute to all of us that never see the dark squirrels but I know they are pesky!

  6. They really are little rascals.

  7. The black/grey squirrel thing has always confused me.

  8. Oh I totally agree with you, and I'm not a fan of them in our yard anymore since we've had a few squirrels somehow enter our house! It's been awhile but it's a sight and destruction not easily forgotten!

  9. Squirrels are opportunists eating food where ever they find it. They are fun to watch scamper around. They do enjoy playing tag.

  10. Pat get yourself a dog. Squirrels are afraid of them. ˁ˚ᴥ˚ˀ

  11. Very interesting. Pat. I like your black squirrels, thouhh not in the garden perhaps

  12. Hope they don’t multiply fast. The squirrel looks beautiful though.

  13. I give mine walnuts and they did not touch my strawberries!
    Their cuteness just makes me buy those expensive nuts, but, hey, we don´t go to the pub/cinema etc anymore so the Squirrel show is what I pay for - black is beautiful!

  14. Like you say Pat. Those squirrels sure look cute in any colour but they are a pest, especially here where they are not native to Britain.

  15. I've never seen a black squirrel before! Red squirrels are native to the UK, but they have been reduced in numbers due to the grey squirrel.

  16. i get gray squirrels here and they are also trouble...cute, but trouble!!
